Upon arrival, the administrator will ask you to fill out some forms to assess the areas that are concerning you. These will include a history form, a consent form, a pain assessment for different anatomical locations, and an information sheet on Balanced Chiropractic’s office policies.
Following this, you will meet your health care provider, who will complete a thorough medical history.
Your health care provider, will follow this with a physical exam of the areas that are concerning you. Most commonly, this will include your neck (cervical area), middle back (thoracic area) and/or your low back (lumbar area). Other areas may include any part of your legs or arms that may be concerning you.
If you are lucky enough to not have any aches or pains and are looking for wellness care, your health care provider will perform a general spinal screen and a relevant physical exam.
At this point the your health care provider will suggest a treatment plan that will best help your needs. This may include chiropractic, acupuncture, massage, exercises, or consulting with our Naturopathic doctor. Sometimes you may also need to be referred to your medical doctor.